Rainfall Triggers Temporary Closure Of Browns Gap Road

Lithgow Council

Due to the current rain event being experienced, Browns Gap Road will be closed from 3pm today, Monday 10 February, until further notice. The current rainfall is predicted to exceed Councils Trigger Action Response Plan (TARP) measure which is in place to ensure risks to the public road users do not exceed tolerable safety limits. Council will conduct a site assessment following the rain event.

Periods of heavy rainfall increase the risk of slope instability and there is higher risk to road users should this section of Browns Gap Road remain open. The area of slippage will be inspected during and after the rain has cleared. When it is safe, the road will be reopened.

The Council recently installed geotechnical ground slip monitoring equipment on the embankments of Browns Gap Road which will also assist to inform potential rainfall related ground instability.

Ensuring the road is safe for road users is Council's priority and further information will be provided following a geotechnical site assessment once this wet weather has subsided.

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