Raptor Squad charge two men and seize 6.5kg of 'ice' after vehicle stop at Kempsey

Two men will reappear in court today charged with large commercial drug supply after 6.5kg of ice was seized by the Raptor Squad on NSW's Mid North Coast.

In December 2021, investigators for the Raptor Squad established Strike Force Wondabah to investigate the transport of illicit drugs between Sydney and Queensland.

As part of ongoing inquiries, police stopped a northbound van on the Pacific Highway near Kempsey about 1.30am yesterday (Sunday 20 March 2022).

Raptor Squad officers spoke with the occupants – two men, aged 42 and 48 – before conducting a search of the pair and the vehicle.

During the searches, police located and seized 6.5kg of methylamphetamine (ice), cash and a small quantity of cocaine.

The ice has an estimated potential street value of more than $5.8 million.

The men were arrested and taken to Kempsey Police Station and the vehicle was seized for forensic examination.

Both men were charged with large commercial drug supply and participate criminal group contribute criminal activity.

The older man was also charged with possess prohibited drug.

The pair were refused bail and appeared at Coffs Harbour Local Court, where they were formally refused bail to reappear at Kempsey Local Court today (Monday 21 March 2022).

Investigations under Strike Force Wondabah are continuing.

Strike Force Raptor was established in 2009, before becoming a standalone squad in 2021. Raptor Squad conducts proactive investigations and intelligence-based, high-impact policing operations to prevent and disrupt conflicts, and dismantle any network engaged in serious organised criminal activity.

Anyone with information about the activities of criminal groups is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or https://nsw.crimestoppers.com.au. Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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