Raptor Squad Charges Two Over $2M Illegal Tobacco Bust

PLEASE NOTE: NSWPF-branded pictures of the products are available via Hightail – https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/HX5hfjmYsK

Raptor Squad officers have charged two men following the discovery of more than $2 million worth of illegal tobacco products.

In 2024, detectives attached to State Crime Command's Raptor Squad in September 2024 to investigate the criminal activities of an Organised Crime Network (OCN).

Following extensive inquiries, on Wednesday 22 January 2025, strike force detectives executed a search warrant at a tobacconist in Penrith where they located $2,174,464 worth of illegal tobacco products.

The items seized includes 15,562 vapes, 1,058,600 cigarettes and 198 kilograms of tobacco.

On Tuesday 18 February 2025, two men – aged 27 and 28 – were arrested at Parramatta Police Station where they were charged with convey/possess tobacco products reckless re defraud revenue, and deal with property proceeds of crime => $100000.

The older man was also charged with breach of bail.

Both were granted conditional bail and appeared in Parramatta Local Court the same day.

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