RCAF Claims Guinness Record for Most 24-Hour Landmark Illuminations

National Defence

The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) is proud to announce that, with the support of communities, businesses, and citizens in Canada and around the world, it has set a new Guinness World Record for the most landmarks lit in 24 hours. This feat was accomplished on April 1, 2024, as part of the RCAF's Centennial Celebrations, highlighting a century of service and dedication to Canada.

Guinness World Records had strict requirements as to what constituted a landmark, and after reviewing the evidence, the Guinness World Records officials confirmed that the RCAF set a new World Record, with 56 landmarks illuminated in 24 hours, breaking the previous record of 38 landmarks set in 2010. To be considered a landmark by Guinness World Records, a location must be recognized by UNESCO, national governmental registers, or significant third-party registers. For this record, pre-confirmed locations were verified and approved by Guinness, with evidence including a 10-minute timestamped video, a photo of the landmark illuminated in blue on April 1, 2024, and two witness statements.

The Guinness World Records certificate was presented to Lieutenant-General Eric Kenny, Commander of the RCAF, Chief Warrant Officer John Hall, Command Chief Warrant Officer of the RCAF, and Captain Aaron Niles, Strategic Planner for the RCAF Centennial Team and lead for the illumination campaign, during the RCAF Centennial Ball on June 1, 2024, in Ottawa.

The initiative illuminated over 350 sites across Canada, including landmarks, government buildings, museums, and private residences. A display of blue light, the colour of the RCAF, marked the event, symbolizing national pride and gratitude for the RCAF's contributions over the past 100 years.

The celebration of this record-breaking achievement extended beyond Canada's borders. RCAF supporters worldwide joined together to honour the RCAF's legacy and achievements, from Canadian embassies lighting up their buildings to landmarks across the globe. This global participation underscores the international respect and admiration for the RCAF's century-long history of excellence and service.

In partnership with communities and cities nationwide, the event saw iconic landmarks like the CN Tower in Toronto and Parliament Hill in Ottawa illuminated, creating a nationwide display of unity and celebration.

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