Officers from the Organised Crime Gangs Group, including Maxima, members from the AFP's National Anti-Gangs Squad (NAGS), alongside Capricornia District officers undertook tactical activities over the weekend in relation to an event in Yaamba involving people linked to the Rebels Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG).
Officers from the Organised Crime Gangs Group Maxima Road Policing Unit, with support from local police conducted patrols, vehicle inspections and roadside drug and alcohol testing, issuing a total of 36 infringement notices over the course of the operation.
Offences detected included 12 drug driving offences and four offences of wearing a prohibited item in public.
Detective Acting Superintendent Craig McGrath said specialist officers from the Organised Crime Gangs Group continue to support regional police in targeting and disrupting the activities of criminal gangs to keep the community safe.
"This was a successful operation where strategies, including a strong policing presence and focussed traffic enforcement, highlights how police continue to actively target OMCGs," Detective Acting Superintendent McGrath said.
"The additional involvement of NAGS reinforces the commitment of QPS and AFP in targeting OMCGs, both across the State and nationally. This operation also showcased, the Gangs Exit Program, and reminded young men about the consequences of joining gangs ," Detective Acting Superintendent McGrath said.