Each year on 26 May, Knox Council holds a National Sorry Day event where First Nations and non-Indigenous members of our community acknowledge and recognise our Stolen Generation community here in Knox.
At our event, we were privileged to have Aunty Jill Gallagher a proud Gunditjmara woman from Western Victoria who has dedicated her life to advocating for community. Jill has spent more than 20 years advancing Aboriginal health and wellbeing through her work with Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO) and has over 30 years of experience in leadership roles.
We have now entered Reconciliation Week from 29 May to 3 June with this year's theme "Now More Than Ever". Reconciliation Week provides us with an opportunity to support further education and awareness of First Nations history and culture in the Knox region. To find out more about Reconciliation Week visit Reconciliation Australia.
In 2023, we launched our first Reconciliation Action Plan that works towards reconciliation on a practical and symbolic level. This plan continues to undertake meaningful action to embed reconciliation and truth telling in everything we do.
"Yana djerring ba ngarrnga djerring is a Woi-wurrung phrase translated and used with permission from Wurundjeri Council. It means Walk together and Listen together. It is the vision statement in our Reconciliation and Truth telling plan. Truth telling must be part of any steps of healing and reconciliation in this country. This annual public and civic event is important in this journey. "