Reconstruction Of Saleyards Road Set To Commence

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Swan Hill Rural City Council's appointed contractor will begin the reconstruction of Saleyards Road during the week of Monday, 24 March, with completion expected by mid-late April.

Council's Director of Infrastructure, Leah Johnston explained the reconstruction will involve temporary closures of Saleyards Road and detours.

"The works will mean a closure to Saleyards road affecting traffic coming from the Murray Valley Highway, with a detour in place.

"Traffic entering from Karinie Street can still get through to the Murray Valley Highway and Central Murray Petroleum," Ms Johnston said.

While Ms Johnston acknowledged that the restricted access may cause some inconvenience, she assured the community that Council would work to minimise disruptions.

"We will do our best to keep street and business interruptions managed, keeping in mind that the safety of our community, residents and staff is our top priority.

Council appreciates the community's understanding and cooperation as these essentials works are carried out.

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