Health Minister Roger Cook today officially launched WA Country Health Service's (WACHS) Talent Community, powered by the LiveHire talent acquisition and engagement platform.
The new cloud-based, recruitment platform will be trialled in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions as part of an initiative changing the way the WACHS recruits nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals. The LiveHire platform will be used to recruit casual and fixed-term positions.
The pilot project addresses the Sustainable Health Review's recommendation for immediate action to cut red tape, hasten the recruitment of staff and reduce unnecessary agency costs through the exploration of an innovative approach to recruitment by using digital technology.
The new Talent Community enables WACHS to create talent pools, increasing visibility and ease of access for potential employees, alleviating the time burden on managers responsible for recruiting and reducing the cost associated with recruitment. Additionally, LiveHire will allow managers to have ongoing engagement with previous or potential candidates as well as access to electronic CVs when recruiting to positions.
There are many benefits of working and living in country WA, including enjoying a strong sense of community, a relaxed and friendly lifestyle and a rich and diverse cultural heritage.
Interested candidates are encouraged to create their LiveHire profile to become part of the WACHS Talent Community at
As stated by Health Minister Roger Cook:
"Having a skilled regional workforce is critical to the sustainable delivery of health services to country communities. The LiveHire pilot project will help facilitate the recruitment of regional clinical staff, getting the right people into the right roles.
"The McGowan Government has driven an increased use of innovation to improve the way we deliver health care across our vast State. As with Telehealth, LiveHire is a great example of how technology can be a valuable asset in driving positive change.
"I congratulate the WA Country Health Service for proactively working towards implementing the recommendations of the Sustainable Health Review."