Rector Sari Lindbloms Speech at Helsinkis 2025 Jubilee

University of Helsinki

Mr Chancellor, distinguished guests, Your Excellencies, dear members of the University community and friends of the University,

We are now hearing the same message from all directions: We live in the midst of upheaval.

Wars being waged near our borders, the sustainability crisis and geopolitical changes are shaking our confidence in the future. Surrounded by change, societal institutions are repositioning themselves. Even while local community becomes an increasingly important place of support, we are focusing ever more on the individual.

For young people in particular, the future can seem uncertain and frightening. Besides coping with societal turmoil, finding one's way in life and selecting one's field of study create a lot of pressure. Finding a safe and stable space for one's thoughts and self-development is now more important than ever. We wish to connect with others, strengthen a sense of community, cherish traditions and foster hope.

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