Australian Red Cross has welcomed the Australian Government's unveiling of Australia's enhanced National Situation Room (NSR).
The technological and logistical improvements made to this facility will help support the country's response to disaster events, ensuring stronger collaboration between a range of Australian government departments, state and territory governments and critical community organisations such as Australian Red Cross.
Australian Red Cross CEO, Kym Pfitzner said, "The increased investment in the National Situational Room is very welcomed and complements the need to continue to support investments in emergency preparedness, response and recovery.
"Australian Red Cross knows disaster preparedness, response and recovery are critical as the country responds to a changing climate.
"With disasters becoming more frequent, more severe, and more complex, it's essential that we remain ready to support communities get prepared and build their resilience to enable a stronger response and recovery."
Australian Red Cross welcomes the opportunity to continue to work closely with both government and non-government partners to support people and communities in preparing for, responding to and recovering from disasters.
10 Years Beyond Bushfires Report (University of Melbourne, 2021)
Update to the economic costs of natural disasters in Australia: Methodology Paper (Deloitte/Access Economics, 2021)