Reds' Epic Comeback, Waratahs Thump Rebels in Super Rugby U16, U19 Week 2

Rugby Au

Round two of Super Rugby U16s and U19s is in the books as teams start to build some form.

The NSW Waratahs made a statement with two convincing wins over the Melbourne Rebels at Box Hill Rugby Club.

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As for the Queensland Reds, they opened their account with a clean sweep over the Force, headlined by a late comeback in the U19s recaps all the action from week two

Melbourne Rebels v NSW Waratahs


The Waratahs have continued their hot start to the U16s competition with a 51-9 win over the Melbourne Rebels.

They controlled the game from the opening whistle, with hooker Charles Ghattas going over for the opener after just five minutes.

The hosts look to keep touch via the boot but the Waratahs had an almost instant response from the restart when Marcellus Iakopo burst through and flicked it to winger Reilly Caswell.

Caswell added his second in the 15th minute when the Lindfield winger crossed untouched.

The centre pairing of Iakopo and captain Onitoni Large proved too tough to handle for the Rebels as they raced away with the game.

Caswell's third of the half helped the Waratahs take a 32-6 lead at the break before fullback Jai Callaghan produced an early contender for try of the tournament.

The fullback collected the ball on halfway, stepping and swerving past half a dozen Rebels defenders before finishing off the try under the posts.

Even a yellow card to flanker Maddax Fui couldn't slow the Waratahs down, with tries to replacements Callum Grantham and Matthew Gough sealing the win.

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