Reform For Real Action On Regional Youth Crime

Liberal NSW

The NSW Opposition is pushing for strong and immediate legislative reform to stop repeat serious youth offenders from carrying out crime sprees across regional NSW.

Shadow Attorney General Alister Henskens will introduce the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Youth Crime) Bill 2025 in Parliament after in-depth collaboration between the Liberals and Nationals.

It will offer stronger measures than Labor's changes to the Bail Act that were passed last week, by:

  • Expanding the definition of repeat offences beyond serious break and enter and motor vehicle theft, to include all serious indictable offences like murder or sexual assault.
  • Introducing electronic monitoring and a mandatory curfew as conditions of bail.
  • Revoking bail if there is a breach of the bail conditions, if another charge is laid while on bail, or if there is any interference with the electronic monitoring device.
  • Elevating the voice of victims in the court through the use of victim impact statements.

NSW Opposition Leader Mark Speakman said the Opposition bill builds on the Coalition's efforts to strengthen Labor's bill after the Minns Government refused to support any amendments.

"Chris Minns has been all talk but little action on youth crime — and regional communities are paying the price," Mr Speakman said.

"This Coalition response draws on the work of Dugald Saunders, who has been listening carefully and regularly to our communities, and the direct advocacy of Opposition regional MPs. We now have a united position on how to achieve tangible change."

NSW Nationals Leader Dugald Saunders said this will provide swift and decisive action while leaving the door open to more reforms.

"Our residents are living in a constant state of panic and fear, as their homes are broken into, cars are stolen - and even worse, loved ones are hurt," Mr Saunders said.

"We need an immediate circuit-breaker to stop repeat youth offenders from holding our communities to ransom and we will continue discussions with the Shadow Attorney General around potential changes to doli incapax along with diversionary programs."

Shadow Attorney General Alister Henskens said he will continue working with regional MPs on further measures, but these initial changes can't wait.

"The Coalition wants to demonstrate clearly to the community that it understands the anxiety that is being felt and the need to enhance community safety," Mr Henskens said.

"Electronic monitoring for repeat serious criminal offenders will assist in deterring crime while these offenders are on bail, while mandatory curfews bolstered by this monitoring will help keep these repeat offenders off the streets and to stop them committing crimes until their matters are heard in court."

Member for the Northern Tablelands Brendan Moylan said the Opposition bill builds on his initial private member's bill.

"This crisis is the number one thing people in the regions are talking about right now and it's becoming worse and worse by the day," Mr Moylan said.

"Our team of Nationals MPs have been fighting to make their communities safe again, and we have been working hard as a Coalition to come up with changes that can actually deliver that."

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