Law students on their visit to Port Pirie
Students from Adelaide Law School recently visited regional South Australia to find out about career opportunities that are sometimes overlooked by law graduates.
Eight University of Adelaide students were inspired to find out about the kind of work that lawyers undertake in local communities.
Chloe Winter, Arissa Robles-Rangel, Christina Akele, Charlotte Ordynski, Izak Coombe, Jack Woolford, Mitchell Dunn and Cayleigh Stock visited Port Pirie and Port Augusta. They were accompanied by Dr David Plater, Dr Mark 'Matt' Giancaspro, Nadia Hess, Brooke Washusen, Holly Nicholls and Anita Brunacco who are staff from the Adelaide Law School and the South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI), which is located at the University.
In Port Augusta they had the powerful and invaluable experience of meeting Charlie Jackson and other local elders and members of Aboriginal communities as well Rachel Lane and other lawyers from the Aboriginal Land Rights Movement. Chloe Winter, and Holly Nicholls took part in a program on Umeewarra Radio about working with Aboriginal communities.
"The work in the country is so diverse. It's a mix of every area of law."Undergraduate law student Nadia Hess
In Port Pirie State Member for Frome the Hon Geoff Brock MP talked to the students about working and living in the town. They were also hosted by the Deputy Mayor and local lawyers.
The students were interviewed by the Port Pirie Recorder and ABC Radio while on their visit. When interviewed by the Recorder Nadia Hess said the trip was a great way for the students to experience regional life outside of the city.
"The work in the country is so diverse. It's a mix of every area of law," she said.
"From a law student and graduate perspective, you really get to do legal work from day one. Whereas in the city sometimes you're in a firm or department with one particular role, filling one type of paper work and you don't get the same exposure as in the country."
Leading Port Pirie lawyers Paul Boylan and John Voumard talked to the students about the nature and width of regional and rural legal practice. The students also heard about the role and ongoing work and regional consultation of the South Australian Law Reform Institute.
Dr David Plater, Deputy Director of SALRI said: "A real focus of SALRI is to go beyond Adelaide and involve Aboriginal and regional communities in its work and consultation."
The University of Adelaide encourages students to consider diverse careers and learn more about working in regional towns and with Aboriginal communities. This invaluable trip was a success due to the enthusiasm of all those involved. It was funded by a Learning Development Grant from the University's Faculty of the Professions.