Regulator Enforces Compliance at Somerset Quarry

Resources Victoria's regulator has issued two remedial notices to Somerset Quarry requiring the completion of restoration work identified during an independent environmental assessment of the site.

In November 2024, the Earth Resources Regulator was provided with a land assessment report of the site, prepared by an independent environmental consultant.

The report identified hazardous materials which were imported to the site should be removed prior to the rehabilitation of the former quarry being finalised. The notices issued by the regulator formalises this requirement.

The notices require further site investigations to identify locations that may contain hazardous materials, which must be removed to support site rehabilitation.

Over several years, there have been numerous complaints to the Earth Resources Regulator, the EPA and Hume City Council about the Somerset Quarry. Matters raised with the regulator include the importing and storing of unauthorised materials, the size of stockpiles and dust leaving the site.

In July 2024, the regulator issued two infringement notices stopping waste material from being imported and stored onsite.

In January 2025, the regulator inspected the quarry, confirming no additional unauthorised waste materials had been brought into the quarry and that stockpiles at the site had been reduced.

In February 2025, the regulator issued a further written instruction requiring the removal of derelict equipment and waste including concrete, bricks, glass and timber from the site.

Future site restoration work will involve flattening the land and where possible revegetating it local native plants. The Earth Resources Regulator is monitoring rehabilitation to ensure the site is safe and stable into the future.

Attribute quotes to Chris Webb, Resources Victoria Executive Director Regulatory Operations

"We've monitored progress at the site since issuing notices to Somerset Quarry in July 2024 and the recent notices issued to the quarry aim to progress rehabilitation of the site."

"Our inspectors frequently conduct checks around the state to ensure quarries are operating lawfully and delivering their site rehabilitation."

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