Reid's Law Introduced To Parliament

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Government continues to deliver on its commitment to crack down on knife crime, with the introduction of the Police Offences Amendment (Knives and Other Weapons) Bill 2025, known as Reid's Law, to Parliament today.

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, said Reid's Law, named after a father of two who was tragically stabbed to death in 2019, will make our communities safer.

Under these laws, an officer will be able to use a handheld scanner on a person in a public place, if they have reasonable grounds to suspect a person is carrying a weapon or knife.

Police officers will also be able to conduct wanding in prescribed public places where knife crime is most likely. These places include areas such as bus malls, shopping centres, Government facilities, on public transport and at taxi ranks.

The penalty for carrying a knife without a lawful excuse is also being increased to act as a deterrent to such actions.

Minister Ellis said no family should have to live with the unimaginable consequences of knife crime.

"Reid's Law is a credit to the advocacy of Laraine Ludwig, and the work of the Jack Beasley Foundation, and I thank them on behalf of the future lives that these reforms will save," Minister Ellis said.

"These powers will help police get knives and weapons off our streets and sets the groundwork for us to throw the book at those that carry them.

"We have worked hard to find the right balance that works for Tasmania, between those who need knives for a valid reason, and those who carry a weapon to commit violent acts.

"The ask from the public is a simple, quick and non-invasive scan from a police officer with a wand, which will prevent stabbings and other weapon related violence.

"Tasmanians have told us they want a government who keeps them safe, and through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, that's exactly what we are doing."

Following the successful trial of the handheld scanners over Summer in the Northern and Southern Districts, Tasmania Police has expanded the scope of the wanding trial statewide and extended it to 2 April 2025.

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