Release Of Calicivirus In March For Rabbit Control

Rabbit Calicivirus release.png

To help control feral rabbits in local parks and reserves, the City of Ryde will be releasing the Calicivirus (RHDV1 K5 strain) in March 2025 at Ryde Park and Yamble Reserve.

This will be part of a coordinated release involving a number of other Councils and agencies across the Sydney North region. Feral animals have a significant impact on our wildlife and assets.

Rabbits are Australia's most costly pest animal, causing estimated losses of $197 million in agricultural production each year. Dispersed across 66% of the country, they impact 322 nationally listed threatened species.

Under the Biosecurity Act 2015, landholders are responsible for the control of feral rabbits on their land.

The calicivirus specifically targets rabbits and will not affect humans or other animals. The release is being done in a very controlled way. Signage will be displayed in the parks and reserves when the program is being undertaken.

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