RSPCA SA backs resilience & preparedness campaign ahead of El Niño summer
An online campaign to build South Australia's preparedness for emergencies and natural disasters is underway this month, and on Saturday the focus is on protecting pets.
The "30 days/30 ways" campaign is running all through September, with a different area of emergency preparedness and safety advice covered each day. The campaign aims to boost our community's capacity to respond swiftly and effectively if disaster strikes, and to stay safe in risky situations like heatwaves and road travel.
RSPCA South Australia's Head of Animal Welfare, Andrea Lewis, said the campaign empowers participants with practical tips on how to prepare for and cope in emergency situations, with bushfires the main concern in SA ahead of the forecast hot, dry summer.[1]
"Most of us have seen news coverage of massive wildfires in the northern hemisphere this year, and many of us have strong memories of the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires," said Andrea, who was among the RSPCA SA team deployed to assist wildlife rescue efforts on Kangaroo Island in early 2020.
"In recent months, floods and flash storms have also wreaked havoc on some regional communities, further reinforcing that it's unwise to have a 'that won't happen to me' attitude in a world that's being increasingly impacted by climate change.
"We're very happy to see that one day in this 30-day campaign is devoted to advice from experts (including RSPCA) on what to do before and during a disaster to keep pets safe and minimise their stress.
"We encourage everyone to go online and subscribe to the 30 days/30 ways campaign - the expert advice, vital contacts and other resources are all free to access, and could save your life and the lives of those you love.
"Let's do our best, as individuals and as a community, to keep ourselves and our families (including furry, feathered and scaly members) safe and resilient, no matter what life throws our way."
The 30 days/30 ways campaign is jointly funded by the SA and federal governments under the Disaster Risk Reduction Grants Program. Mitsubishi Motors Australia has also contributed funding as part of the company's partnership with Disaster Relief Australia, which began in the wake of Australia's 2019-20 bushfires.