Remote Outback Aboriginal elder invites all Dubbo churches to collaborate

Bill Newman Ministries

Press Release

2nd March 2021

Remote Outback Aboriginal elder invites all Dubbo churches to collaborate in reaching Australians of all ethnicities with a message of real hope

Evangelist Isaac Gordon, an elder of the Ngemba people from the Brewarrina community in the NSW Outback has faithfully been taking the NSW River Convention to six other remote Aboriginal communities every year for the last 15 years.

The conventions usually ended with many people and caravans following evangelist Gordon from the Outback communities into an Aboriginal camp in Dubbo. He has now felt called by God not to end the annual conventions in that camp.

The aim from 2021 onwards is to have the final weekend as a collaborative gospel outreach alongside all Dubbo churches. The purpose is to reach Australians of all ethnic backgrounds with the good news which brings real hope found through Jesus Christ alone.

Gordon has invited long-time friend, evangelist Bill Newman and his team to bring a message of eternal hope and salvation at four evangelism meetings at the Dubbo Showgrounds from the 16th to 18th April 2021

For more details

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