Repairs Taking Place At Bombala Wastewater Facility

Treatment ponds at the Bombala wastewater facility, seen from above in a drone photo.

Rectification works are in-progress at the sewage treatment plant in Bombala to repair a treatment pond defect recently detected by Council staff.

A temporary additional lining is being installed to protect against leakages from the pond. Maintenance plans were already in-place before this recent defect was identified, with efforts now being made to bring forward the timeline for these planned permanent repairs.

The team on-site are working closely with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to rectify this situation as quickly as possible and to ensure that the local environment is protected.

Frequent environmental monitoring in consultation with the EPA is continuing, with the results of these tests available to the public on Council's website.

Council self-reported this matter to the EPA immediately upon detection.

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