Report: Cleaner Air Achievable by 2040

Number of people breathing heavily polluted air can be cut in half

with the right policies

WASHINGTON, March 27, 2025- The number of people exposed to dangerously high level of air pollution could be halved by 2040 with targeted policy action, according to a new World Bank report. The study estimates that outdoor air pollution kills roughly 5.7 million lives annually, with 95% of deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries, and accounts for a loss equivalent to nearly 5% of global GDP, due to health impacts, lost productivity, and reduced life expectancy.

The report "Accelerating Access to Clean Air on a Livable Planet" highlights that changes to policies can help to cut the number of people exposed to high levels of PM2.5 (fine particulate matter of 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter). Globally, most outdoor air pollution comes from human activities, so policy changes across the sectors that cause air pollution, agriculture, urban development, transport, and industry, as well as residential cooking and heating can help reduce particulate matter in the air that is harmful to health. In some regions, desert dust contributes as a significant source of fine particulate matter.

"Improving air quality is an urgent health and economic imperative," said Axel van Trotsenburg, Senior Managing Director, World Bank. "The good news is that solutions are within reach. By focusing on the sectors that generate the biggest impact and leveraging strong leadership, data, and financing, we can ensure cleaner and healthier air within our lifetime."

Policies that achieve multiple goals--for instance, supporting energy independence or reducing emissions, together with measures to reduce air pollution--can be an efficient and cost-effective approach to this problem. The estimated economic benefits of integrated pollution management policies could be as high as $2.4 trillion by 2040. In addition, cooperation across airsheds (large cross-border areas where polluted air travels) is essential to tackle the issue effectively.

The report outlines three priorities that policy makers can take to ensure clean air: strengthening governance, improving availability of data on air quality, and supplementing public resources with private investment.


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