A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Council and James Cook University (JCU) has delivered educational, cultural, health, environmental, and economic benefits for the Cairns community.
Council and JCU signed a five-year MOU in October 2019, which has resulted in numerous projects and activities that have been mutually beneficial and improved outcomes for the community.
A report to Council today has provided a summary of collaborations that took place as part of the MOU in 2022, which included:
- Seven joint research and funding projects across disaster resilience, water and environmental compliance, water and resource recovery, and economic development
- Delivery of the State of the Arts Report 2021
- Work on developing Council's submission to the Defence Strategic Review
- Progression of the Smart Green Economy project
- Participation in the Partner Up Queensland Regional Science and Innovation Network (PUQRSIN) event
- JCU Centre of International Trade and Business In Asia (CITBA)
JCU continues to invest and attract investment for facilities in Cairns and are currently working with key stakeholders to progress the FNQ Health and Innovation Precinct adjacent to Cairns Hospital.
The precinct will allow for the co-location of students, teachers, clinicians, and researchers, adding to the region's appeal as the perfect place to study and work.
JCU also welcomes its first intake of 40, first-year medical students this month as part of its new full medical school in Cairns, which allows students to complete the entirety of their six-year medical degree in the city.