Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water
Last month, some of our staff represented Australia and the Pacific at the 63rd Standing Committee meeting for the Convention on Wetlands (SC63).
This meeting occurs each year to progress the work of the Convention on Wetlands. 190 delegates from 60 countries attended SC63 in Gland, Switzerland. The meeting saw endorsement of:
- a proposal to update global Waterbird Population Estimates
- a proposal to create a Waterbird Estimates Partnership
- a new Ramsar Regional Initiative protecting wetlands in many countries along the Danube.
The committee also progressed work on the Convention's fifth Strategic Plan.
Our attendance at SC63 provides regional leadership on behalf of our neighbouring countries. It also:
- supports reforms to the process for listing and documenting Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites)
- promotes Australia's domestic activities on wetland conservation and restoration.
We are committed to partnering with the Pacific and our near neighbours on shared environmental priorities.
Through strong leadership at home and abroad, we are working to ensure a nature positive future.
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