Researchers Clinch Prestigious NIHR Senior Award

Five distinguished researchers from the University of Liverpool's Faculty of Health and Life Sciences have been awarded the prestigious National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator Award.

The five female Senior Investigators are recognised as leading experts in their fields, known for their outstanding contributions to research and their influence in shaping the future of health and care. The award provides funding to support their research while they undertake a senior leadership role within the NIHR, helping to shape national strategy and policy.

The five researchers awarded the title of NIHR Senior Investigator are:

Professor Carrol Gamble, Director of the Liverpool Clinical Trials Centre and a medical statistician with extensive experience in the design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials. Professor Gamble works within the Institute of Population Health and has been awarded this title for a second term.
Professor Jo Patterson, an expert in speech and language therapy, whose work focuses on communication and swallowing problems in head and neck cancer. She is a Professor of Speech & Language Therapy and Vice Dean of Research in the School of Allied Health Professions and Nursing, part of the Institute of Population Health.
Professor Fiona Rowe, a leading researcher in orthoptics and vision sciences, with a particular focus on acquired visual impairment and brain injury rehabilitation. She is a Professor of Orthoptics and Clinical Lead in the Institute of Population Health, Primary Care & Mental Health.
Professor Catrin Tudur Smith, a specialist in medical statistics, whose research supports the design and analysis of clinical trials to improve healthcare outcomes. She is a Professor of Medical Statistics in the Health Data Science group, Institute of Population Health.
Professor Shakila Thangaratinam, a world-leading expert in women's health, whose research focuses on improving maternal and perinatal outcomes through clinical trials and global health initiatives. She is Deputy Executive Dean of the Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences, Professor of Women's Health, and University Lead for the India Portfolio.

Professor Louise Kenny, Executive Pro Vice Chancellor of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, said: "NIHR Senior Investigators are key leaders in shaping the future of health and social care research. Their expertise is critical in tackling major challenges across the NHS, public health, and social care sectors. These five exceptional researchers from the University of Liverpool have demonstrated excellence in their respective fields, and their work will continue to drive innovation and improve patient outcomes."

Senior Investigators act as ambassadors for the NIHR, playing a pivotal role in developing research capacity, mentoring future leaders, and influencing policy at a national level. They work closely with the NIHR and the Department of Health and Social Care, helping to shape the direction of health and care research in the UK and beyond.

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