Researchers Discover [C II] 158 Micron Emission Effectively Traces Molecular Gas Mass In Galaxies

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. ZHAO Yinghe from the Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, along with his collaborators, have conducted a study examining the correlation between the [C II] 158 micron emission and the CO(1-0) line. Their findings were published in The Astrophysical Journal.

Molecular gas (H2) plays a critical role in star formation, a key factor in the evolution of galaxies. Therefore, measuring the gas content in galaxies is crucial. However, the traditional tracer for H2 mass, the CO(1-0) line, is challenging to detect in the early Universe due to various factors, including lower metal content. As a result, there is a pressing need for alternative H2 tracers, especially as more galaxies at high redshifts are being discovered.

In recent years, the [C II] 158 micron emission has emerged as a promising tool for investigating the gas content in the distant Universe. However, earlier studies has lacked a consistent methodology and a diverse dataset that covers a wide range of parameters. This has hindered the validation of the effectiveness and reliability of [C II] 158 micron emission as a tracer for total molecular gas.

To address this gap, the researchers analyzed a sample of around 200 local galaxies and high-redshift galaxies (32 sources with a redshift greater than 1) that have very different physical conditions. They discovered a strong linear relationship between the luminosities of the [C II] and CO(1−0) lines, confirming that [C II] can effectively trace the total molecular gas mass. There is a slight difference between ultra-luminous infrared galaxies and less-luminous galaxies. The researchers also suggested that this relationship is likely influenced by the average value of the observed visual extinction and the range of the far ultraviolet intensity-to-gas density ratio in galaxies.

Through further investigations, the researchers discovered that the [C II]/CO ratio is closely related to several properties of galaxies. These properties include the surface density of infrared luminosity, the distance from the main sequence, and the proportion of [C II] emission originating from ionized gas. These findings suggest that caution should be exercised when using a constant [C II]-to-H2 conversion factor to estimate H2 mass, especially in extreme cases, such as galaxies with low star formation activity or those with high star formation surface density.

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