Professor Miroslav Filipovic. Photo credit: Sally Tsoutas
Researchers from Western Sydney University, the only institution in Australia involved in this groundbreaking discovery, have collaborated with the international KM3NeT (Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope) project to detect one of the most energetic elementary particles ever observed.
The ultra-high-energy neutrino – a tiny, nearly massless particle that travels unimpeded from the furthest reaches of the universe – was detected deep beneath the Mediterranean Sea.
Dubbed "KM3-230213A", the neutrino carried an astonishing energy of 220 peta-electronvolts (PeV), making it one of the most powerful particles ever detected. Its energy was roughly a 100 million billion times the energy of visible light photons and about 30 times the highest neutrino energy previously detected.
Detecting such an extraordinary particle brings us closer to understanding the most powerful forces shaping our universe.
Published in Nature today, this research sheds light on some of the most energetic and distant events in the cosmos, including the mysterious neutrino.
Co-author Professor Miroslav Filipovic, from the School of Science, emphasised the importance of this discovery.
"High-energy neutrinos like this are extremely rare, making this a monumental discovery. The discovery represents the most energetic neutrino ever observed, and provides evidence that neutrinos of such high energies are produced in the universe. Detecting such an extraordinary particle brings us closer to understanding the most powerful forces shaping our universe," said Professor Filipovic.
The detection was made possible through the advanced capabilities of the KM3NeT telescope, which uses photomultiplier tubes to capture light from charged particles generated when the neutrino interacts with the detector. The event recorded over 28,000 photons of light, offering a clear trajectory and compelling evidence suggesting the particle's cosmic origin.
Dr Luke Barnes, also from the School of Science, highlighted the advanced detection that made this discovery possible.
"KM3NeT can reconstruct the neutrino's trajectory and energy. It takes extreme cosmic conditions to create such a neutrino, like an exploding star or supermassive black hole. That's where our work on following up with radio telescopes, like the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, can help to unlock their secrets," said Dr Barnes.
The research team concluded that based on a single neutrino, it is difficult to definitively determine its origin. Future observations will focus on detecting more such events to build a clearer picture of their origins and the astrophysical processes behind them.
This breakthrough reinforces Western Sydney University's role at the forefront of cutting-edge space research and highlights the growing potential of neutrino astronomy.
The extraordinary particle originated from the southern sky, positioning Western Sydney University researchers to play a key role in localising its source of origin.
The KM3NeT collaboration brings together more than 360 scientists, engineers, technicians and students of 68 institutions from 21 countries all over the world.