A device to help the recovery of stroke patients and a project to address river pollution in Indonesia are the Monash University recipients of the 2021 Study Melbourne Research Partnerships program delivered by veski.
Fifteen research projects covering mining, advanced manufacturing, health and education, were among the recipients of $2.8 million in funding from the Victorian Government.
The recipients of the Study Melbourne Research Partnerships will support major research projects between 11 Victorian public institutions and international industry or institutional partners from 12 countries, including South Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Vietnam.
Associate Professor Timothy Scott from the Department of Materials Science & Engineering and the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering has been awarded a grant to develop a low-cost, bimanual device for stroke neurorehabilitation, in collaboration with research partners from the University of Da Nang, Vietnam.
The device will allow stroke patients to undertake bimanual neurorehabilitation physical therapy exercises and retrain their muscles from the comfort of their own homes or from nearby clinics. The device will be low-cost, compact and easy to set up and use, and will help stroke victims regain physical strength, rebuild self-esteem and regain independence in their everyday lives.
Professor Diego Ramirez-Lovering, Director of the Informal Cities Lab at Monash University's Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (MADA), will partner with Universitas Indonesia on Citarum Transformation: A Living Laboratory for International Research and Impact, addressing river pollution.
The grant will enable the Citarum Program to establish a living lab for river transformation with an international consortium of partners to address pollution in the Citarum River in west Java, Indonesia. The project will develop and test novel approaches to overcome river pollution in a section of the world's most polluted river and translate research into real-world impact.
Veski also announced additional grants to help women in STEM rebuild vital research impacted by COVID-19.
Seven leading STEM researchers have been awarded veski inspiring women career recovery grants in recognition of the importance of their research, their contributions as STEM role models and leaders, and the profound disruption to their work caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Designed to support female mid-career leaders or emerging leaders in STEM across Victoria, the veski inspiring women career recovery grants provide vital, timely support via short-term flexible funding, worth up to $50,000 each, to boost research and restore pre-COVID19 pandemic competitiveness. The funding is further boosted with 50 per cent matched funding from their host organisation, which also provides added confidence and support for the women.
Dr Kirsten Ellis from the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University was recognised for her work in creating new opportunities for people with disability to become 'makers'.
Dr Sarah Jones from the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, was recognised for her work in finding a replacement for dangerous steroids.
Professor Rebekah Brown, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) at Monash University said: "The past two years has proven a challenging time to be a researcher, with so many projects and careers interrupted.
"These grants provide critically needed investment in future female STEM leaders whose work has been disrupted by the pandemic.
"They also allow Monash researchers to partner with overseas institutions to multiply the impact of their work. These research programs will improve the environmental and human health outcomes for communities around the world."