Residents in parts of Gold Coast and Gladstone LGAs can now access grants and support following SEQ floods

Minister for Communities and Housing, Minister for Digital Economy and Minister for the Arts The Honourable Leeanne Enoch

Residents in parts of the Gold Coast and Gladstone local government areas (LGA) impacted by severe flooding can now access financial assistance and support services, including Emergency Hardship Assistance grants of up to $180 per person and $900 for a family of five or more.

Minister for Communities and Housing Leeanne Enoch said the grants were continuing to be made available across some of the most impacted areas to support residents who are experiencing financial hardship because of the flooding.

"We are seeing the continuing impacts of a very serious and significant flooding event and sadly parts of the Gold Coast and Gladstone have not been spared," Ms Enoch said.

"Thousands of people across Queensland have had their homes or businesses inundated, thousands have been isolated and many Queenslanders are now beginning the arduous task of cleaning up.

"We are continuing to make grants and supports available to the people who need it as we receive requests from local authorities for assistance."

For a full list of the activated areas across Queensland, including in the Gold Coast and Gladstone LGAs, visit

Minister Enoch encouraged Queenslanders to continue to monitor this website as more areas continued to be activated, including more suburbs in Brisbane and Logan.

Financial assistance is available under jointly funded Commonwealth/State-Disaster Relief Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Emergency Hardship Assistance grants help cover the costs of essential items, such as food, medication and clothing, for people who have been directly impacted by this disaster.

Other grants such the Essential Household Contents Grant, Structural Assistance Grant and Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Grant, which are income tested, are also available to eligible residents who are uninsured and have experienced certain loss or damage following this disaster.

Minister Enoch said the Queensland Government's Ready Reserves were now on the ground in some of the impacted areas to lead community recovery efforts.

"The mobilisation of these dedicated community recovery workers will continue to roll out as

as flood waters subside and it is safe to travel into these communities," she said.

There are three ways to apply for grants and find more information:

Additionally, anyone impacted by the flood event can apply for housing assistance, including homeowners and private renters, by visiting or calling 13QGOV (13 74 68).

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