Orange City Council is writing to nearby residents about plans for an upgrade to Cadia Road from Forest Road to Ballykeane Lane.
The project will involve:
- Widening the road to increase road shoulder width
- Stabilisation of the existing road pavement to improve strength,
- The addition of a gravel overlay to further improve the pavement strength,
- A bitumen spray seal surface and new signage
Under the NSW Roads Act 1993 Section 29, Council is required to give residents advance notice when the level of the road is to be altered. This project is expected to increase the height of the road surface by up to approximately 250mm (25cm) at the centreline of the road. There are only a small number of rural driveways in this section of Ploughmans Lane. As part of the project, driveways will be adjusted to match the new road levels, with changes occurring between the road edge and property boundary, with no changes to the driveway heights at the property boundary.
Plans can be viewed online or at the Orange City Council Works Depot at 270 McLachlan Street (Monday to Friday 7 am to 4pm). For convenience please phone ahead to make an appointment so that a council officer can be available to explain the plans and answer any questions you may have.
Adjoining land owners are entitled to make submissions to council about the proposed road alteration. All submissions are to be made to council by 11 December 2020 through the following avenues:
- Send a letter to the General Manager, Orange City Council, PO Box 35 Orange 2800