Residents reminded to reduce waste and recycle over festive break

The gifts are unwrapped, there's packaging strewn across the floor, children are laughing and families are reflecting on the traditional festive feast.

Christmas is a time for giving, but it is also a period that sees thousands of tonnes of household waste skyrocket.

From decorations to reams of wrapping paper, boxes of packaging to unwanted gifts and food scraps, the festive period is also a glut for wastefulness.

Both general waste and recycling volumes can increase by up to 30 per cent or more at this time of year.

Residents are being reminded that they can do their bit to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill by "lifting the right lid".

"We generally create more waste at Christmas time than at other times of the year," Cairns Mayor Bob Manning said.

"We eat more and leave more food scraps; we open presents and discard large amounts of packaging."

"Whether it's the excess food we dispose of, or recycling being incorrectly placed in waste bins, we can all do our bit to take better care of the environment by reducing waste to landfill."

If people are unsure about which bin something goes in, they can check on Council's Recycle Right.

Council's "lift the right lid – keep recycling out of waste" campaign reminds residents what should and should not go into the yellow lid recycling bin.

"Unfortunately, up to 20% of materials placed in waste bins each year could be recycled," Cr Manning said.

"An easy first step is understanding there are four main categories of recycling – steel and aluminium cans; hard plastic bottles and containers; glass bottles and jars; and paper and cardboard items that should be placed in the yellow lid recycling bins instead."

"Disposal of recyclable items is also free all year round.

"If your yellow lid recycling bin is full, rather than putting recyclables in your waste bin, you can always take a load down to one of the waste transfer stations."

Kerbside collections during the festive period

All kerbside waste collection will continue as per normal schedule during the holiday period, including public holidays.

Residents are reminded that they can also take extra household recycling to Council Transfer Stations for free.

Waste transfer stations are open every day except Christmas Day.

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