Residents are encouraged to share their thoughts on Greater Shepparton City Council and its services through the third quarter Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey, which is available from Tuesday 15 March.

The Community Satisfaction Survey is conducted by Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) as a representative random probability survey of residents aged 18+ years in the Greater Shepparton municipality. All responses are confidential and grouped with others. Research resource company Thinkfield will conduct the phone surveys.
Director Corporate Services Chris Teitzel said the survey, which will be open for feedback until Thursday 31 March, is an important measure for Council to understand whether it is meeting community expectations of the services it provides.
"The survey aims to gather impressions on a number of services, facilities and activities Council provides," he said.
"It will provide insight into ways Council can improve service delivery, and all information gathered will be used to provide ongoing improvements for Greater Shepparton.
"Residents who receive a phone call can be assured this is a legitimate survey conducted on behalf of Greater Shepparton City Council. I would like to encourage residents to have their say on the various topics being presented.
"The vast majority of measures in the Community Satisfaction Survey year to date (from quarter one and two), showed higher scores than that of the previous year.
"Overall Council Direction scored 61, which is higher than the average across Victorian Councils and the other nine regional centres."