Resources Drive One-Third of Queensland Emissions

Queensland Conservation Council

Queensland's resources industry – primarily coal mining and coal seam gas extraction – is responsible for a staggering one third of the state's total greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report by the Queensland Conservation Council.

The report exposes how toxic fugitive methane emissions from coal mining are the biggest source of climate pollution within the resources sector. Without a proper plan to tackle these emissions, Queensland communities and our vital ecosystems like the Great Barrier Reef and the Channel Country are paying the price.

Addressing fugitive methane emissions through strong climate targets, accurate measurement and on site mitigation is a huge opportunity for both the Federal and State governments to achieve climate action and ensure the state remains competitive in a rapidly decarbonising global economy.

Queensland Conservation Council energy expert Clare Silcock said:

"Coal and coal seam gas industries in Queensland are driving climate pollution, particularly through leaking fugitive methane emissions. Coal mines are the biggest offenders but there are also leaks from gas wells and pipelines.

"Methane is a super pollutant greenhouse gas. It traps up to 86 times more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over 20 years.

"Queensland has a 75% emissions reduction target by 2035, but without a plan to tackle methane, we won't get there. The Federal Government must also set a science-based 2035 target this year to meet its international legal obligations and that means confronting fugitive methane head-on.

"Currently, most coal and gas companies don't even measure, let alone attempt to reduce, methane emissions in Queensland. There's increasing evidence that methane emissions from Queensland's coal mines are much higher than reported. Methane leaking from our CSG infrastructure is much higher than international best practice.

"There are solutions that could be put in place by both the Federal and State Governments to hold the resources sector accountable for their colossal fugitive methane emissions. This has to be genuine methane emissions reduction, not false solutions such as building new fossil fuel infrastructure like the Bowen Basin Pipeline which would increase emissions overall.

"Reducing fugitive methane is one of the fastest, most effective ways to cut emissions. For Queensland, this means developing a strong resources sector decarbonisation plan. At the federal level, it means setting ambitious, science-based 2035 targets.

"As the largest single source of emissions from Queensland's resources sector, governments have to take serious action to reduce fugitive methane emissions to meet our climate targets, protect Queensland communities and safeguard the places we love from the worst impacts of climate change."

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