Respecting Councillors And Council Employees

Statement from CEO Dale Dickson PSM

The City of Stonnington is very focused on supporting and improving community safety via a range of current and future actions. It is a priority for us.

It is also critical that we ensure the physical and psychological safety of our Council employees and Councillors because they have a right to a safe workplace, but also because if we don't, our capacity to contribute to a safer community, and provide the services and outcomes that the Stonnington community deserves, is compromised.

It is therefore time to call out the personal and malicious commentary that is being directed towards our Council officers and some of our Councillors.

There is no excuse for trolling and online abuse. It is never acceptable.

There is a misconception that because Councillors are elected by the community and Council officers are public servants, they are 'fair game', and it is acceptable for them to be the subject of personal attacks.

This is not the case. No one in our community should have to put up with what we are seeing. In recent months this has involved:

  • Numerous offensive and derogatory comments focused on Mayor Sehr in particular.
  • A false public commentary on the professional history of a member of the Council's executive team, in an obvious attempt to discredit her.
  • A completely inaccurate public commentary on the work performance of a female Council officer.

The online comments are malicious and even more regrettably, have largely been directed at Stonnington's female Mayor and female officers. The Council officers who have been targeted are outstanding professionals making a great contribution to the Stonnington community.

It is valid for people to question and comment on Council and administrative decisions and actions directly or via the many external agencies which exist to oversee Victorian Councils.

Personal targeting and abuse of individuals is another thing entirely, and the two should not be confused or conflated.

Aside from the online abuse that Council officers and Councillors have been subjected to, we are also seeing an escalation of physical threats and intimidation being directed at Council employees in the field and in Council workplaces.

We are very focused on best ensuring that all Council employees and Councillors are kept safe and are not the victims of online or other forms of abuse. We will not hesitate to involve Victoria Police or pursue all available measures to protect and support our people.

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