Housing Minister John Carey has today announced the three Community Housing Provider consortiums shortlisted to develop Western Australia's first Build-to-Rent (BTR) project utilising a ground lease.
Responding to the current heated construction market and the private rental shortage, this innovative solution will help deliver social, affordable and market rental housing on a government-owned site.
The State Government released an expression of interest for the development in April 2022, which was well received by industry and resulted in a competitive and diverse range of proposals from the sector.
Three consortiums have been shortlisted for the request for detailed proposal stage to transform a former public housing site in Highgate into a contemporary BTR development with ongoing tenancy and property management by the Community Housing Provider.
The consortiums are led by three of WA's key Community Housing Providers:
- Community Housing Ltd;
- Housing Choices Western Australia Ltd; and
- Foundation Housing Ltd.
The Smith Street site in Highgate will be made available to the successful provider under a long-term ground lease and will deliver approximately 100 new rental dwellings, of which approximately 30 per cent will be allocated to those on the public housing waitlist.
The community housing sector plays a vital role in driving outcomes in WA's social and affordable housing system.
Further information can be found at Smith Street Build-to-Rent project.
As stated by Housing Minister John Carey:
"This Government is using every lever it has to boost social housing, including this innovative build-to-rent proposal for Smith Street in Highgate.
"Located about two kilometres from the Perth CBD, the Smith Street site offers an excellent opportunity to deliver a residential development, with about 30 per cent of the stock to be dedicated to social housing, assisting our State's most vulnerable people.
"The location is also close to public transport, schools and tertiary education facilities, retail and entertainment offerings, and other key amenities.
"Our Government is committed to partnering with the community housing sector to unlock and build capability to increase the supply of social and affordable housing in WA.
"The Build-to-Rent housing model offers great security of tenure for tenants because properties are built only for rental purposes and not to be sold for profit.
"In addition to programs boosting social housing stock through construction, spot purchases and refurbishment, this Government is working closely with the community housing sector to maximise outcomes for vulnerable Western Australians."