Wentworth Shire
Wentworth Shire Council wish to advise customers in the Gol Gol and Buronga townships that water restrictions have now been eased to Stage 1 water restrictions, effective immediately, following works undertaken at the Gol Gol raw water pump station this week. The emergency use restrictions implemented on Wednesday 1 February 2023 no longer apply.

Wentworth Shire Council appreciate the continued support of customers to follow the eased water restrictions which will allow storage levels to be maintained during this time of low river levels.
Lawns & Gardens can be watered:
- manually during the times; 6:00am to 8:00am and 8:00pm to 10:00pm on alternate days
- with an automatic watering system only as required between 12:00am and 4:00am on alternate days
Regular updates will be provided by the Wentworth Shire Council website, social media channels and print.
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