The results from the Community Engagement Survey conducted in September and October are now available for the community and will inform the draft Community Engagement Policy.

The survey asked Greater Shepparton residents to have their say on how Council engages with our community on a range of issues, projects and plans.
Council had responses from many sectors of the community including residents, the business community, local agencies, organisations and committees.
Based on the questions asked in the survey the responses indicated:
- You like to receive information via email, social media, letterbox drops, information sessions and Council's website
- Council should engage with you about neighbourhood and community plans, strategies, major roadwork upgrades, future plans for growth and streetscape and sporting ground developments
- Council heard you also want to be engaged on parking and childrens' services
- You would like to hear from council when an idea is being developed, drafted and also when fully developed
- The information most important to you is what is happening in your town, neighbourhood, street, then municipality
- You said it is important that Council gives you information about changes to traffic, outcomes, timelines, cost, environmental impact, and accessibility and movement
The feedback received will help shape the way Council engages with the community including the use of appropriate, effective and inclusive community engagement practices.
Acting Director Community, Amanda Tingay said Council was reviewing how it communicates, engages, consults and makes decisions with the community.
"We want to make sure we are providing information in a timely manner but also in the way that suits our community," Ms Tingay said.
"Council asked a series of questions of residents including how and when we need to engage with the community and also what information is important to you."
The consultation will inform Council's draft Policy which would then be taken to a Council Meeting for public release and community comment. The final Community Engagement Policy would be adopted at a later Council meeting.