Retail Brief: Cyclone Alfred & Floods Hit QLD, NSW


As the impacts of emergency weather conditions continue to unfold across Queensland and New South Wales, retailers have called for patience, cautioning that the recovery of some store operations will take time.

Peak bodies the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) and National Retail Association (NRA) said with weather remaining unpredictable, safety remains the priority.

Check list for shoppers in affected areas:

  • Check opening hours on the store website.
  • Prepare for limited availability of some items, particularly fresh produce and essential items in high demand in the short-term whilst restocked and third party providers recover from the cyclone. Some product limitations may apply.
  • Please take only what you need, so all in the community can access essential items.
  • Be considerate of store staff who are working under extremely challenging conditions and may also be personally affected by the cyclone.
  • Stay safe when travelling to and from stores and heed the directions from local authorities around road safety

"Retailers are doing a remarkable job of reopening as and when they can, under very challenging circumstances," said ARA Chief Industry Affairs Officer, Fleur Brown. "The cyclone and heavy rain has left a number of businesses without power and with spoiled or damaged stock. Many also have limited access to team support and transportation due to weather conditions and damage to roads and property.

"Essential retailers have been working closely with authorities and emergency services throughout the past week to get the planning right. They are working extremely hard to reopen in as many locations as they can as soon as it is safe to do so. Everyone in the supply chain is affected - including workers many of whom are living in affected areas."

NRA Interim CEO Lindsay Carroll said many discretionary retailers and hospitality venues are also working hard to resume operations.

"Many businesses opened today, despite the challenges. This demonstrates the incredible resilience and commitment to serving their customers.

"We ask for patience and kindness at this time, knowing that the teams who operate these stores are stretched to capacity and navigating a complex situation. Retail workers often have their own homes and family, friends who are affected by this recent event.

"Opening the doors is only part of the challenge. For many businesses there will be weeks and months of recovery in front of them as they repair damage and deal with stock and supply chain recovery and insurance.

"Unfortunately, the events of the past week are yet another set-back for many retailers who have previously been impacted by weather events and were starting to get back on their feet. For many it will represent weeks of lost revenue whilst still needing to maintain overheads including rent and wages. Then there is stock damage and wasted stock which must be deal with.

"This will require a focused effort with governments to support reopening and rebuilding," she said.

The ARA and NRA continue to monitor the situation, providing support as businesses navigate the complexities of this significant weather event.

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