Seniors living in a Highfields retirement village have raised almost $2,000 to support Toowoomba cancer patents.
Carinity Brownesholme residents recently hosted their annual Australia's Biggest Morning Tea event to raise awareness of the Cancer Council's many cancer support services.

A group of energetic Carinity Brownesholme residents organised the fundraising event, which was attended by around 60 retirement village residents and their friends.
This year Carinity Brownesholme residents decided they would like to raise funds to benefit cancer patients in the local region by supporting Toowoomba-based Hope Horizons.
Hope Horizons is a not-for-profit organisation that provides support and services at low or no cost to people undergoing treatment for cancer.

Hope Horizons representative Jo Capp attended the morning tea to share a presentation about the organisation's services and thanked everyone for their support.
The morning tea raised $1,800 from donations, a bring-and-buy stall and a multi-draw raffle.
In the previous two years, the Carinity Brownesholme retirement community raised almost $3,500 for the Cancer Council from its Australia's Biggest Morning Tea events.