Reusables Rebate Returns For Townsville Residents

Townsville residents will be able to help their hip pockets while saving the environment when they make the most of Townsville City Council's reusables rebate program.

Now open for its third year the 50 per cent rebate aims to combat the almost 4470 tonnes of disposable nappies, incontinence products and period products Townsville sends to landfill each year.

The rebate offers up to $200 back on reusable nappy products and $100 back on other eligible reusable products per resident.

Acting Mayor Ann-Maree Greaney said the rebate was open to all Townsville residents.

"Council's landfill has limited space, so we need the community to work together to reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill. An easy way to do that is by using reusable products – they're good for your wallet and good for our environment," Cr Greaney said.

"Our reusables rebate offers residents a 50 per cent rebate up to a maximum of $300 on eligible purchases of reusable nappies, incontinence products and period products. To be eligible you just need to have a minimum product purchase of $50, your receipt and proof of residence.

"We've already seen the impact that the first round of the reusables rebate has had in Townsville, particularly in removing nappies from Townsville's waste stream. The more people that jump on board and take Council up on this offer, the better off our environment will be and the fewer landfill cells we'll have to construct."

Jensen mother Emma Bressler said reusable swimming nappies were a staple in her household.

"My two-year-old daughter Charlotte absolutely loves spending time in the pool with her grandparents, so we always have reusable swimming nappies on hand," Ms Bressler said.

"Keeping reusable nappies at home is cost effective, makes it easy for me and my husband to be prepared for our daughters and is a simple way for us to reduce our impact on the environment.

"It's great to hear that the council is bringing the reusables rebate back for another year, it's a no-brainer for people to jump on board and save some money on these must-have items."

Council's reusables rebate program will run until 30 June 2025 or when the funding has been exhausted.

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