Revised Standards Released

The legislative instruments which give effect to the revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations are now in place.

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) has published the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Outcome Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations) Instrument 2025 and the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Compliance Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations and Fit and Proper Person Requirements) Instrument 2025 on the Federal Register and the Credential Policy on the National Register,

Why have the Standards been revised?

The revised Standards strengthen the focus on quality outcomes for VET students and employers, provide greater clarity for providers and regulators and allow for more flexibility and innovation in training delivery and support. They better reflect the diversity of the VET sector and are fit-for-purpose across different provider settings and delivery contexts.

What this means for the sector

The finalisation of the revised Standards represents a step-change for the sector and for ASQA. We will continue to develop and improve our regulatory guidance and materials to ensure the sector is prepared to comply with, and our staff are prepared to regulate against, the revised Standards.

The revised Standards will come into full regulatory effect on 1 July 2025. This means providers will need to comply with the two above listed legislative instruments and the Credential Policy from this date.

Where can I view the final versions?

You can view the documents using the links below:

For useful guidance and links, see the following:


Revised Standards for RTOs

Preparing for the revised Standards

Practice Guides


Revisions to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations

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