Revolutionary pest animal and weed control projects

The Hon David Littleproud MP
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management
  • 19 innovative projects will be funded through the $13 million Advancing Pest Animal and Weed Control Solutions Competitive Grant Round
  • Projects will deliver a range of control solutions leading to more cost effective and safer alternatives to manage pest animals and weeds
  • Projects will target over 30 weed species and 15 pest animals/invertebrates
  • Nineteen projects will be funded following a competitive grant process to research and advance breakthrough solutions to control of some of Australia's worst established pest animals and weeds, including fall armyworm and prickly acacia.

    Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, David Littleproud, said he was delighted with the high calibre and diversity of projects coming from the popular grant round.

    "Successful projects will shift away from traditional pest animal and weed management approaches to develop new and emerging technologies," Minister Littleproud said.

    "Technologies could be adapted to control other pest and weed species, providing a broader suite of control options for integrated pest and weed management

    "The grant round projects will assist in overcoming emerging issues such as herbicide resistance and provide more effective alternatives for controlling pests such as hive beetles.

    "Our native species will also benefit through a reduction in pest and weeds that predate and, or compete for resources.

    "Successful projects will share $13 million over the next three years which will be supported by close to $12 million in other cash and in-kind support to add value to the program.

    "Congratulations to the grant recipients, I look forward to positive outcomes from these projects for land holders and the environment."

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