Rewards Program Celebrates Top Regional Recyclers

Mildura Rural City Council's popular Recycling Rewards program is returning in 2025, offering locals the chance to win a special prize pack simply for using their kerbside bins correctly.

Council's Waste team will conduct visual inspections of residential bins in selected areas over a two-week period starting Monday 31 March.

The latest round of the program will focus on:

  • Ensuring bagged rubbish and soft plastics aren't placed in recycling bins
  • Ensuring plastic bags are not used to dispose of organic waste in green waste bins
  • That the right glass materials are being disposed of through purple (glass) bins

Selected areas will be posted on Council's social media channels and website ahead of inspection dates.

Councillor for Environment and Sustainability Jodi Ewings said the program was aimed at celebrating residents using their kerbside collection service correctly, while helping to raise awareness.

"This is a fun way to show our community we appreciate their efforts, while also highlighting a host of important points around how to decrease waste going to landfill and why this is so important," Cr Ewings said.

Other aims of the program include:

  • Highlighting the importance of waste diversion
  • Raising awareness around correct bin use and circular economy
  • Lowering contamination rates in kerbside recycling and organics bins
  • Decreasing the amount of recycling and organics in the rubbish bin
  • Celebrating good waste management practises
  • Recognising community members doing the right thing
  • Recognising good kerbside bin placement
  • Providing waste education

Winners will receive prize packs comprising:

  • 1x Reusable coffee cup
  • 1x Reusable water bottle
  • 1x Reusable Lunch Box
  • 1 x Winners sticker to affix to the winner's bin
  • 1x MRCC keychain
  • 1x Reusable metal straw

Any Mildura Rural City Council resident who receives kerbside collection is eligible to enter the program.

Residents can check to see which area is being inspected, and when, at

Bin inspections are visual-only.

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