Ribbons Cut On Two New Hawkesbury Playgrounds

Mayor Les Sheather and local children cut the ribbon with Councillors  Nathan Zamprogno, Mike Creed and Peter Ryan.  The joyful sounds of children running, jumping and sliding were the highlight of the recent opening of two refreshed Hawkesbury City Council playgrounds - Gow Reserve in McGraths Hill and Freemans Reach Reserve.

Local children were given the honour of helping cut the ribbon on the two playgrounds as families enjoyed ice creams, donuts and the new play equipment.

Opening the playgrounds, Mayor Les Sheather said they were very different today from when he was a child. They were now safer, brighter and shadier, but they remained a simple but important part of having fun and growing up. He was joined at the events by Councillors Mike Creed, Peter Ryan and Nathan Zamprogno.

Both playgrounds were built with input from the community through a consultation process. Council received 142 responses from the community regarding Gow Reserve, while 51 people weighed in on the design of Freemans Reach Reserve.

The Gow Reserve playground includes a climbing tower with slides, seated and nest swings, ground-level trampoline, see-saw, spinner and play cubby/charging station, picnic table and seating and shade sails.

Freemans Reach Reserve playground includes a climbing tower with a slide, swings, obstacle course, roundabout, rocker and seating. Both have been landscaped.

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