Rio Tinto Project for Low-Carbon Aluminum Hailed by Canada

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Jonquière, Quebec

Decarbonizing the production of critical minerals and metals is essential to achieving Canada's climate goals. Canada is the fourth-largest producer of primary aluminum in the world. As a long-standing supplier of strategic metals to the United States and across the North American industrial supply base, Canada must ensure that it can continue to provide aluminum products to critical sectors such as automotive and transportation, energy, and infrastructure. By supporting clean technologies and advanced manufacturing, the government will continue creating good middle-class jobs, strengthening our economy and building a greener future for all Canadians.

Today, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, welcomed Rio Tinto's plan to expand production capacity for low-carbon aluminum in Canada. This project is another key step in the implementation of the groundbreaking ELYSIS™ smelting technology across Rio Tinto operations in the province of Quebec.

Once fully developed and implemented, the ELYSIS™ technology would eliminate almost all emissions associated with the Canadian aluminum industry's smelting carbon footprint. The world-leading net-zero aluminum smelting technology will reinvent the chemistry of aluminum production by removing carbon from the chemical process and producing only oxygen as an output.

Today's announcement represents another significant step forward as the Government of Canada continues to position Canada for success with a cleaner, stronger and better-prepared economy-one that is competitive in a low-carbon world.

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