Riverina Museum Receives Portrait of Theatre Icon

The late Colin Anderson was a beloved Wagga Wagga Theatre Director, actor, singer, writer, teacher, educator and mentor.

When Riverina Playhouse opened in Wagga Wagga in 1986, a large black-&-white photographic portrait of Colin Anderson was hung in the foyer in recognition of his contribution to Wagga's theatrical and cultural life, but when the theatre was refurbished in 2018 the portrait was removed and stored at Charles Sturt University.

President of the Friends of Charles Sturt University David Gilbey said Colin Anderson joined Riverina College of Advanced Education in 1973 and introduced drama courses for teacher education students.

"Importantly, he presented productions that were available on campus and downtown, bringing 'town and gown' together via theatre," said Mr Gilbey.

"In 1974 he established what was to become the University Theatre Ensemble, providing an opportunity for students to perform in public."

Mr Gilbey said that in 1974 Colin Anderson won the 1974 NSW Drama Festival 'Best Actor' Award for his part in the local production of the musical Stop the World I Want to Get Off.

"Colin was also a key figure in the establishment in 1986 of the Riverina Playhouse located in the centre of Wagga Wagga beside the Murrumbidgee River.

"In 2000, Charles Sturt University recognised Colin's contribution to the arts by awarding him an honorary Doctorate of Arts.

"He was renowned for his energy and good humour, delighting audiences around the Wagga region."

Council's Acting Manager of the Museum of the Riverina Sam Leah said the Museum was only too glad to accept the offer of this artistic donation and looked forward to providing a fitting home for the portrait: one easily accessible by the community Anderson so enjoyed entertaining.

"The Museum is honoured to be the final home of the portrait of Colin Anderson, an important figure in the cultural history and development of Wagga Wagga."

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