The Albanese and Allan Labor Governments are fixing roads across Victoria, improving safety and better connecting Melbourne's suburbs, Victoria's regions, and surrounds.
The Australian and Victorian Governments will deliver two new road projects in a big win for the south-east:
- Nepean Highway and Overton Road Intersection Upgrade ($50 million)
- McLeod Road and Mornington Peninsula Freeway Intersection Upgrade ($25 million)
The Nepean Highway and Overton Road Intersection Upgrade will enhance road safety for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists by installing traffic signals and improving footpath connectivity to the existing Kananook Creek Trail.
The McLeod Road and Mornington Peninsula Freeway Intersection Upgrade will deliver improvements to this intersection, supporting journeys between the south-east suburbs and the coast.
These will be transformative projects for Melbourne's south-east, improving the lives of residents from Carrum to Frankston and beyond.
The projects are part of the Albanese Labor Government's $1 billion Road Blitz, matching the existing near-billion dollar road blitz campaign by the Allan Labor Government, who have since added an additional $200 million.
This money is ready, right now, to fix roads in need of critical upgrades.
This follows funding already allocated to three projects under the Road Blitz, including:
- Sealing and upgrading 5.6km of Old Sydney Road from the Mitchell/Hume boundary, Mickleham, to Camerons Lane, Beveridge.
- Completing the duplication of Evans Road, Cranbourne, between Duff Street and Central Parkway.
- Delivering further works at the intersection of McLeod Road and Station Street, Carrum, including adjustments to improve signalisation and traffic flow.
Delivery timeframes for the projects will be determined in consultation with the Victorian Government.
Quotes attributable to Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese:
"My Government is building Australia's future - and that means building Victoria's future too. We want to make sure all Victorians have the services and the infrastructure they need now and into the future.
"We will continue to partner with the Victorian Government to deliver critical road upgrades to provide immediate congestion relief now.
"This is good for local jobs, good for local businesses and good for commuters."
Quotes attributable to Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan:
"Every Victorian wants to spend less time stuck in traffic and more time with family - that's why we're delivering major road upgrades across Melbourne's south-east and faster and safer journeys for decades to come."
"As we build more homes, we are making sure our fastest growing communities have the transport infrastructure they deserve now and into the future."
Quotes attributable to Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:
"We're fixing roads right across Victoria; from Ararat to Gippsland to Melbourne, we're giving Victorians the infrastructure they deserve after being short-changed by the former Coalition government.
"These will be transformative projects for Melbourne's south-east, better connecting these growing suburbs with the city and the region.
"The Road Blitz will fund projects to improve network efficiency, travel times and road safety in key areas of Melbourne and its surrounds, to match the Victorian Government's Road Blitz which is largely focused on the regions.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Transport Infrastructure Gabrielle Williams:
"After ten years of neglect from the federal Liberal National Party, it's fantastic to have a partner in Canberra that can find Victoria on a map and deliver critical investments to keep our state moving."
"Our growing communities deserve the very best road connections, which is why we are investing more to improve traffic flow and boost safety."
Quotes attributable to Member for Dunkley Jodie Belyea:
"As a local who travels frequently across our community, I know this investment will make a major difference for pedestrians and road users.
"These upgrades will enhance safety for pedestrians and road users in our local community.
"These upgrades will make our local roads safer and get people moving faster.
"This money is ready right now, to deliver two major road upgrades in our community.
"Only the Albanese Labor Government is continuing to invest in roads and infrastructure in our local community, building Australia's future."