Michael Ferguson,Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
The new Chair of Tasmania's Road Safety Advisory Council, Scott Tilyard, has started in the role and will oversee a renewed focus on road safety and encouraging motorists to drive safely.
Speeding is reckless and can lead to serious injuries and deaths on our roads.
With the new Chair now in place, we are pleased to announce that the Tasmanian Government is set to introduce more mobile speed cameras to our roads in an effort to drive down the road toll.
Far too many crashes are the result of speeding and it accounts for far too many deaths on our roads, all for the sake of saving a few seconds or because a driver is impatient.
In the last five years alone more than 370 deaths and serious injuries have been caused where speed is a factor and it is not acceptable that some drivers not only choose to risk their own safety but also put everyone else at risk.
Based on the advice of the RSAC, the Tasmanian Government through the Department of State Growth will start a procurement process in the coming month for an initial four state-of-the-art mobile speed cameras, focussed on high-crash locations.
The initial deployment strategy is currently being finalised and our longer term vision is for a comprehensive network of speed cameras to cover more locations and deter more reckless speeding behaviour.
Around the nation and across the world, mobile speed cameras have proven one of the most effective ways of changing bad driver behaviour and making speeding motorists slow down.
While we don't want anyone to be fined for speeding, we won't hesitate to issue infringements when it is detected. If you do the right thing, it won't cost you anything.
Pending the procurement process, we expect to see the first of the new mobile speed cameras on our roads by the end of the year.