Road Safety Works Get Underway Across Northern Tasmania

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Upgrades are starting this week at the Frankford Road and Chapel Road junction in Harford, to improve safety and reduce the risk of crashes.

The improvements are part of the latest $27.5 million investment by both the Australian and Tasmanian Governments under the national Road Safety Program, and are set to be completed by late May 2025.

The existing junction will be changed to a standard T-junction with widening provided for road users to pass a vehicle turning right from Chapel Road onto Frankford Road.

Under the same program, safety upgrades will also be made to the junction of Pipers River Road and Waddles Road in Karoola, and are expected to start in early March 2025.

Road users can expect some temporary traffic changes during the Harford junction upgrade including reduced speed limits and occasional lane closures during the 7:00 am to 6:00 pm working hours.

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