Kempsey Shire Council
Fires in Kempsey Shire have impacted many roads.
The following roads in particular are known to have been impacted:
- Armidale Road
- Crescent Head Road
- Hat Head Road
- Temagog Road
- Willi Willi Road
Is the road open?
The status of these roads is changing with conditions. Please consult Live Traffic to determine if the roads on your route are open before travelling.
If you can, please delay or cancel any non-urgent travel on these roads.
For up to date information on fires please consult the RFS Major Fire Update page.
It is recommended that individuals closely monitor the Hazards Near Me app and act accordingly.
What you need to do
- Stay alert and monitor your surroundings.
- Watch out for emergency services personnel and follow their directions.
- This means looking out for burning embers, changes in wind direction and smoke. Watch for signs of fire in your area.
- Know what you will do if the fire impacts on where you are. Identify a safer location in case the situation changes. This may include a well cleared area or a solid structure such as a home.
If you are threatened by fire
- If the fire impacts, seek shelter in a solid structure such as a house to protect yourself from the heat of the fire.
- Bring pets indoors and restrain them, close all doors and windows and turn off air conditioners, keep water running if possible.
- Shelter in a room on the other side of the building from the approaching fire, and one that has water and a clear exit out of the house.
- Keep moving away from the fire if possible and if your building catches fire, go to an area within the building which has already burnt.
- Monitor both inside and outside for small fires and burning embers and turn sprinklers on if you have them.
- Be careful outdoors after the fire has passed as trees can be unstable and fall.
- If your life is at risk, call Triple Zero (000).
Other Information
- The Evacuation Centre at Kempsey Showground (19 Sea St, West Kempsey) has reopened. Affected residents requiring assistance should call Disaster Welfare on 0457 594 062.
- Stay up to date on bush fires in your area by checking Fires Near Me, the NSW RFS website, listening to your local radio station, or by calling the NSW RFS Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737.
- For assistance with stock or animal welfare issues contact Local Land Services on 1300 795 299.
- If you have a respiratory condition and may be affected by smoke, activate your health management plan and seek medical advice if necessary. Take precautions, such as staying indoors and closing windows.
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