Rochester residents will be able to dispose of their sandbags in a sandbagging removal collection happening on Friday, 12 and Monday, 15 January.
Campaspe Shire Council Chief Executive Officer, Pauline Gordon said Council has organised a nature strip collection for residents in Rochester for two days only but residents must register for the collection.
"The collection is a way we can help our community dispose of their sandbags, so they don't have to find a way to get them to the Resource Recovery Centre or Rochester Recovery Centre.
"To register for the collection, residents must fill in the form, linked below. In addition, sandbags must be placed on the nature strip and away from any fences or infrastructure.
"If any households need assistance with moving sandbags onto nature strips, please call our Emergency Management team on 1300 666 535 and press option two, the team will triage support to get your sandbags onto the nature strip intime for collection," Ms Gordon said.
As always, sandbags are accepted free of charge at ALL Resource Recovery Centres or can be disposed of in the skip bins at the Rochester Recovery Centre (located at the RRRR).
"Council will now be accepting storm generated green waste at the Rochester Resource Recovery Centre, in addition to Echuca, Mt Scobie, Rushworth and Gunbower.
"Where residents have sticks, branches and other green waste that are less than 100 millimetres in diameter, these can be taken to the Rochester Resource Recovery Centre. Anything over 100 millimetres cannot be processed in Rochester and needs to be taken to Echuca or Mt Scobie Resource Recovery Centres.
"If you're not sure whether sticks and branches are too big, staff at the Rochester Resource Recovery Centre will be able to advise.
"For any households that have excess flood waste, please call our Waste team on 1300 666 535. Flood waste is not accepted free of charge at any of the Resource Recovery Centres and will be considered on a case by case basis by the team," Ms Gordon added.