Rockliff Urged to Defend Salmon Workers to Federal Gov

Tas Labor

Jeremy Rockliff must stand up to his Federal colleagues and demand they offer bipartisanship on the Prime Minister's incoming legislation to provide certainty for salmon workers on Tasmania's West Coast.

Senator Jonathon Duniam's comments in The Australian refuse to rule out siding with the Greens and blocking the critical amendments to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

Peter Dutton and the Liberals must be too preoccupied trying to shore up inner city votes in Sydney to stand up for Tasmanian workers. In failing to back in the Prime Minister's legislation the Liberals are throwing Braddon candidate Mal Hingston under the bus.

Labor stands for safe, secure, well-paid jobs, and we welcome the Prime Minister's action to save salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour.

On behalf of Tasmanian salmon workers, Jeremy Rockliff needs to do the right thing and pick up the phone to Peter Dutton to make sure he backs this critical legislation

Janie Finlay MP

Shadow Minister for Primary Industries & Water

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